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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thing 6

So apparently I was thinking I was on track but I forgot about thing 6. So I was scanning my reader and came across something really interesting on Cool Cat Teacher Blog. There was this video on the blog about an app called Four Square. I have never heard of it, but it was really neat. While I was watching the video, I was following along with the video and I to downloaded four square. The use of Four Square is so that people know where you have been or where you are going. Say you are going to meet some friends at Starbucks. Well your friend wants to know if you are there so they can look on Four Square to see if they have checked in. It will also help to find a place in your area. It can also show you a map of with directions. In fact you can even post it on Facebook or Twitter where you have checked in. The video said that people networking could use that as their business card because they just have to add that person as a friend and it will show all of their information right in the palm of your hand. The more I learn the more I seem to be amazed.

Talk to you soon!!!


  1. I have noticed more and more people using Foursquare!

  2. I have a few friends who are using Foursquare. I suppose if only the people you choose can see it, it would be ok. However, I wonder if it just makes it easier for someone to stalk you. Ok, I guess that's my mother's voice speaking through me. LOL

  3. Four Square is new to me, but since I live at school and sleep and shower at home, I'm pretty easy to find!! At least during the school year:)

  4. I have actually noticed it a lot more on facebook with my friends. I am still a newbie at it but we will see.

  5. I, too, have noticed people on Facebook using Foursquare, and it kind of scares me. I agree with "aggie biker girl"--it does seem like an element of stalking. I haven't made up my mind about it yet.

  6. I have it on my phone and I never really go anywhere of interest, but it also gives you places to go also. Just FYI.
