Yahoo! Avatars

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thing 19

This technology stuff is getting better and better. I found Voicethread really interesting. I even found it amazing that young students were doing things on Voicethread. I loved the voicethread of Library A to Z. I think that was an awesome project that incorporated the students doing research in their school library to learn all of the things that you can do in a library. Then to have the students narrate the book. AMAZING!!!!!!

I think that in my personal life I could use this to post pictures and then hear the comments of family and friends. Fortunately my family all lives close, but if you had relatives that were far away you could hear the expression in their voice about what they thought of the picture.

In my classroom I could put a picture up and have students make comments and actually grade them on their speaking skills. This would be a great tool to help students become more comfortable with speaking. Even if it is not in front of an audience it can still help students with the idea of speaking in front of an audience.

Unitl next time,


ps I was going to embed a voicethread in my blog, however when I was doing my assignment, it would not work for me.

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea of using voicethread to hear family comments!!
